Symposium organizers: Monserrat Rivas and Hubert Brückl
Invited speakers:
Eckhard Quandt, Univ. of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Dr. Ana Espinosa, IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid, Spain
This symposium is devoted to the latest advances on bio-magnetism and bio-applications of magnetic fields and materials, proposed as solutions for bio-detection/diagnosis/prognosis and for therapy/treatment. While some aspects are specific to the problem and technique, some others are transverse, like synthesis, characterization, toxicity, standardization and functionalization.
Symposium organizers: Javier E. Villegas and Jacobo Santamaría
Invited speakers:
Prof. Jan Aarts, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
Dr. Sebastian Bergeret, CSIC and DIPC, San Sebastian, Spain
The symposium is devoted to the novel interactions and proximity phenomena at interfaces between ferromagnets and superconductors (conventional and non-conventional), Spin-orbit interaction and electronic correlations as generators of triplets, and Topological phenomena at ferromagnet superconductor junctions in nanostructures.
Symposium organizers: Vassilios Kapaklis and Benjamin Canals
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Carolin Behncke , Univ. of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Benjamin Jungfleisch, Univ. of Delaware, Delaware, USA
This symposium is devoted to studies related to thermodynamics, time dependent phenomena or emergence in strongly correlated disordered and frustrated magnets like, for instance, classical and quantum spin liquids/spin ices/spin glasses, realised in condensed matter or magnetic meta materials.
Symposium organizers: Kevin Garello and Ricardo Ferreira
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Hiroaki Yoda, Toshiba Co., Japan
Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko, IFW, Dresden, Germany
This symposium is devoted to studies concerning the new concepts of magnetic memories, various trends in magnetic recording and magnetic field sensors, including new concepts of neuromorphic computing and new types of next generation magnetic memories merged with computation.
Symposium organizers: Markus Münzenberg and Andrzej Wawro
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Roland Wiesendanger, Univ. of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz, CFM, San Sebastian, Spain
This symposium is devoted to experimental and theoretical studies of static and dynamic properties observed in magnetic low-dimensional systems. Particularly, the submitted works should report on the behaviour of magnetic thin films (e.g. magnetization ordering, anisotropy, interlayer coupling, spin–orbit effects etc…), possibility to engineer it, and wide aspects relevant for magnetic interfaces or surfaces. It is also focused on the thin film and interface materials development, where the physics are dominated by interface effects in monolayer ferromagnetic films. Magnetic nanostructures or nanostructures grown on magnetic surfaces meet also the scope of this symposium.
Symposium organizers: Franca Albertini and Lluis Manosa
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Tino Gottschall, Helmholz Zent., Dresden, Germany
Prof. Volodymyr Chemenko, Derio, Spain
This symposium is devoted to studies of magnetic shape memory alloies, magnetoelastic effects related to strong magnon-phonon coupling, and material with multi-functional properties.
Symposium organizers: Valentin Alek Dediu, Richard Mattana and Concepció Rovira Angulo
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Amandine Bellec, Univ. Paris Diderto, Paris, France
Dr. Núria Crivillers , Institut de ciència de materials de Barcelona, Spain *
This symposium is devoted to studies on spin related phenomena in molecular and hybrid systems, including single molecule, extended interfaces, graphene, organic semiconductors, and multilayered systems and devices.
Symposium organizers: Aurelien Manchon and Henk Swagten
Invited speakers:
Dr. Michel Viret, CEA Saclay, France
Dr. Denys Makarov, HZDR, Dresden, Germany
This symposium is devoted to progress on the exploration of magnetotransport phenomena in both collinear and non-collinear antiferromagnets, the growth and synthesis of novel antiferromagnetic materials and heterostructures, order parameter manipulation using electrical, thermal, and optical means, ultrafast dynamical and magnonic properties, as well as innovative device concepts based on antiferromagnetic materials.
Symposium organizers: Ursula Ebels and Alina Maria Deac
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Sug-Bong Choe, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea
Prof. Toner van der Sar, TU Delft, Netherlands
This symposium is devoted to spin-transport in a wide variety of systems, ranging from GMR/TMR structures to novel materials. Contributions are expected to report on the interaction between spin currents and magnetic moments, such as spin-pumping and field- and/or current-induced magnetization switching and dynamics. Note that spin transport in 2D systems and antiferromagnets will be covered by other symposia.
Symposium organizers: Nora Dempsey and Ekkes Brück
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Lise-Marie Lacroix, INSA, Toulouse, France
Dr. Tetsuya Nakamura, JASRI, Japan
This symposium is devoted to studies of magnetic materials focused on energy applications, and energy efficiency of devices.
Symposium organizers: Giovanni Finocchio and Riccardo Hertel
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Marijan Beg, European XFEL GmbH, Germany
Dr. Mikail Poluektov, Univ. of Warwick, UK
This symposium is devoted to the latest trends in micromagentic modeling (models, implementations, and applications) and will be open to the development towards multi-scale modelling.
Symposium organizers: Georg Woltersdorf and Gregory Malinowski
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Tobias Kampfrath, MPI Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Peter Oppeneer, Univ. of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
Prof. Martin Aeschlimann, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
This symposium is devoted to light-induced dynamic phenomena in magnetic systems, including ultrafast magnetization dynamics and magnetoplasmonics. Specifically highlighted will be experiments and theory on all-optical switching of magnetization as well as spintronic phenomena such as the spin Seebeck effect, the spin Hall effect, spin transfer torque, and magnetoresistance effects triggered by ultrashort optical pulses.
Symposium organizers: Eckhard Quandt and Sebastiaan van Dijken
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Morgan Trassin, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Kathrin Dörr, Univ. of Halle, Halle, Germany *
This symposium is devoted to studies on magnetism in complex oxides, including emergent phenomena at oxide interfaces, or magnetoelectric effects in single-phase or composite multiferroic materials.
Symposium organizers: Joo-Von Kim and Kirsten von Bergmann
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Anne Bernand-Mantel, Inst. Néel, Grenoble, France
Dr. Mihai Miron, CEA, Grenoble, France
This symposium is devoted to studies on magnetic textures, such as domain walls, vortices, and skyrmions. This incorporates also the design of spin-orbit torques and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions to optimally stablize and manipulate these structures.
Symposium organizers: Matthieu Bailleul and Dirk Grundler
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Gisela Schütz, MPI Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. Csaba Gyorgy, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Burkard Hillebrands, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
This symposium is devoted to studies on linear and non-linear spin wave phenomena, including excitation, propagation, interaction, manipulation, amplification and detection of spin waves as well as studies focusing on magnonic applications and spin waves in non-collinear spin structures.
Symposium organizers: Alejandro Gaita Arino, Johannes Majer and Vincent Jacques
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Prof. Martin Plenio, Univ. of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
This symposium is devoted to studies on a wide variety of spin systems, ranging from isolated atoms and molecules to defects in semiconductors and extended lattices, including studies of logic gates based on spins, and of the coupling of spin systems with photons, qubits, and other systems.
Symposium organizers: Sebastian Gönnewein and Timo Kuschel
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Benedetta Flebus, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Ken-ichi Uchida, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
This symposium is devoted to recent developments of spin-dependent thermal transport phenomena, such as the spin Seebeck effect or the recently observed spin Nernst effect. It also will focus on the impact of thermal gradients on different spin-dependent thermoelectric properties as well as local and nonlocal thermal magnon spin transport.
Symposium organizers: Laurent Vila and Marius Costache
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Eli Zeldov, Wezmann Inst., Israel
Prof. Philip King, Univ. of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK
This symposium is devoted to advances regarding spin transport in topological materials and the interplay between magnetism and topological states, including proximity effects, spin-to-charge conversion or induced spin torques.
* To be confirmed